5 Questions with Camille Minichino

lian asks

Today I am sharing Camille Minichino’s Answers to Lian Asks 5 Questions. Ms. Minichino is the author of more than 20 published novels and short stories. Her latest story “The Sodium Arrow,” is included in the Anthology “Happy Homicides 2: 13 Cozy Mysteries (Crimes of the Heart).

About The Author:

(From http://minichino.com/)

SherlockPic-200Camille received her Ph.D. in physics from Fordham University, New York City. She is currently on the faculty of Golden Gate University, San Francisco and teaches writing throughout the Bay Area. Camille is Past President and a member of NorCal Mystery Writers of America, NorCal Sisters in Crime, and the California Writers Club.
Camille has published over 20 novels and many short stories and nonfiction articles.
As Camille Minichino, she’s published Periodic Table Mysteries, featuring retired physicist GLORIA LAMERINO.
As Margaret Grace, she writes the Miniature Mysteries, featuring miniaturist GERALDINE PORTER and her 11-year-old granddaughter, Maddie. The 8th in the series, MANHATTAN IN MINIATURE was released in April 2015.
As Ada Madison, she’s published the Professor Sophie Knowles Mysteries, featuring college professor SOPHIE KNOWLES.
As Jean Flowers, Camille has launched a new series, The Postmistress Mysteries. The first, DEATH TAKES PRIORITY, debuted in 2015. The second, CANCELLED BY MURDER, is due in September 2016.

A stand-alone, KILLER IN THE CLOISTER, is available on Kindle and CreateSpace.
The nonfiction book, HOW TO LIVE WITH AN ENGINEER, is available on Kindle and Createspace.

Author Links: Email/ Blog at The Real Me every Thursday /  Blog at The Lady Killers every other Monday / Facebook /  Twitter /  Website 

5 Questions:

1. What is the first book you remember reading?

Camille – I wasn’t as lucky as you, Lian, to have a mom who loves books and (I imagine) has lots of them around. So the first book I read that was for homework was when I was in college! I wandered into the science library and found a biography of Marie Curie – the scientist who won 2 Nobel prizes for her work with radioactivity. I remember thinking, maybe all these other books are just as fascinating. And I began my reading life.

Lian- I am lucky to have to a mom like I have. There are books all around and I get new ones all the time. I am glad you found books.
2. If you could have lunch with 3 authors (past and present) who would they be and what do you think you would all talk about during lunch?

First, Dante Alighieri, who wrote La Commedia, The Divine Comedy, which I read in Italian in high school and in English later; Second, Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland; Third, Stephen King, contemporary author of many stories. They all write about themes that I love: goodness and evil; mathematics and logic; and the mysterious ways that people behave. We’d have a great lunch!

-What a interesting mixture of authors. I would love to hear that conversation.
3. What or who inspired you to begin writing?

My high school teachers inspired me to keep learning. My Italian teacher told us that she took classes every summer in something she knew nothing about, so she’d understand what her freshmen were going through. So, once I learned all the math and science I could, I took writing classes and when I was 60, I thought it was time to start a new career.

-It is never to late to try something new. 🙂


4. How do you avoid or defeat writers block?

By not believing in it! I tell myself that if I were a waitress or a cab driver, I’d have to go to work every day even if I didn’t feel like it. I’m a writer – I write even when I don’t feel like it.

– What a brilliant philosophy!


5. How do you define success as an author?

I’m the kind of author who requires readers! When even one person tells me she enjoyed one of my books, or learned something from it, I consider myself successful.

– You must be very successful!
Thanks for the great questions and for the opportunity to share this interview.


And thank you so much for your answers. I learned a lot.

Stop by the blog tour for Happy Homicides 2: 13 Cozy Mysteries, Crimes of the Heart.


Purchase Link: Amazon- Happy Homicides 2: Thirteen Cozy Mysteries (Crimes of the Heart)


    1. I really enjoy talking to people and learning why they do what they do. This is different since I usually do video interviews, but I am learning.


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