Book Review: Gurued Out by Gabriel and Sarah Diamond

About the book:
Title/Author: Gurued Out: Parenting When Parenting Gurus Fail / Gabriel Diamond, Sarah Diamond
Genre: Parenting, Self Help
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Date of publish: January 2016
Pages: 114
Book Links: Amazon / Gurued Out: Parenting When Parenting Gurus Fail
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28672114As the mother of a special needs child, I find that I am always eager to read up on the “next” big theory that might make life easier for him. There was once a time when I would have fit right into the Gurued out label. Even a time when my husband and I blamed our son’s issues on our inexperience as parents. We know differently now and a huge weight has been lifted. Our home life is an ensuing struggle for typical, but our pendulum is swinging in the right direction.

Whilst I have to say that I found parts of this book to have a bit of a preachy tone, I also recognize in it the absolute joy a parent feels when they have found something that works and that need to share it with those who could benefit from it. The best parenting advice I have ever received has been anecdotal in nature and often stuns my son’s medical team as something so simple that can have far reaching effects. As always it doesn’t work for everyone, but when it does, it is a wondrous thing.

This book advocates for a Feingold style elimination diet, one used by the Royal Prince Albert Hospital in Sydney Australia (referred to throughout the book as the RPAH diet). Even when diet is not the underlying cause, a healthier diet is always a better choice for children as well as their parents and the authors do a good job of laying out this diet plan. The first few sections of the book deal primarily with making it work. Ways to ascertain what dietary issues a child might have and even a few seemingly simple recipes. Of particular note are exhaustive tables outlining foods in various areas of sensitivities. Also helpful is the detailed information on ear infections and reflux issues and how they can affect children and their behavior along with ways doctors can miss what should be easy diagnoses in these areas.

This book does take into account that no two children are alike and I do especially enjoy the advice to trust your instinct as the person who knows your child best. I personally have discovered that when the professionals and I disagree most they most often find for themselves that my initial reaction was the correct one. Also important is the advice to parent your child as you see fit and not worry how you look to outsiders. Not always easy in a culture of many special needs issues, mommy wars and experts at every turn.

4 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review in conjunction with a promotion package.

Goodreads Summary: Gurued Out is for desperate parents around the world, whose children are failing to thrive and few can understand why.
Right now if your infant or child is suffering from a combination of:
• Eczema
• Re-flux
• Constant flue like symptoms with a snotty nose, red inflamed lips and cheeks
• ADHD type behavior where they experience volatile emotions
• Impossible to get to sleep
• Speaking and learning issues
Then you need to read this book. It tells the story of Gabriel and Sarah Diamond whose children were failing to thrive despite consulting 16 different doctors, numerous specialist doctors, sleep consultants and endless books and websites. Upon the failure of prescribed drugs, procedures and their third live in sleep consultant, the desperate couple finally become “Gurued Out”.
The couple instead seeks to address the root cause of their children’s failure to thrive, not merely the symptoms, like the inability to sleep or eczema. Through the assistance of a doctor with a passion for children and research conducted by one of the world’s leading immunology centers what they discover is both startling and simple.
By making subtle diet and lifestyle changes and working with medical professionals on how to better diagnose some issues, they witness their children begin to thrive overnight.
Whilst heavily referenced, the book is easy to read and provides a logical reason as to why your child is not thriving and more importantly how you may help your child thrive.
A must read for all desperate parents.

Author Info:
couple1439284We are the parents of 3 beautiful children. Both of us hold MBA’s with Gabriel being an Engineer and Sarah a Physiotherapist, and now a health-care project manager.
In raising our children we consulted an endless number of professionals from GP’s sleep consultants to a variety of medical specialists like allergists and pediatric dermatologists. We even tried alternative treatments like child chiropractors and naturopaths. Nothing worked as our children continued to sleep poorly, suffer eczema, reflux and ADHD type behavior.
Finally we focused instead of on our children’s symptoms but their cause.
We are passionate about the health of both children and empowering parents to trust their own instincts when parenting. We feel parents are inundated with advice, which ultimately dulls their confidence in their own parenting instincts.
Our book seeks to reaffirm faith in a parent’s instincts and empower them to take charge of their child’s issues.

Author Links:
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